20+ Vision Board Ideas

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Vision boards are a fun, creative way to document and record goals, and give you a way to envision the exact life that you want to create. Creating a vision board is one of the best ways to motivate yourself to go for and chase your dreams. 

There’s a ton of amazing vision board ideas on Pinterest as well as Instagram, and they’ve gained a lot of popularity these past few years. There’s a lot of great benefits to creating vision boards, and wonderful ways you can use and display them. 

Benefits of Creating a Vision Board

Helps You Envision the Life You Want

When you see everything laid out nicely on a piece of paper or board in front of you, it’s so much easier to actually envision the life you want, and to see whether or not it’s something that actually looks appealing to you.

It’s often one thing to create specific goals you might want to achieve in life, but it’s another to really see what your life would actually look like after getting those things, and seeing it all laid out makes it so much easier to decide if those goals are genuinely worth pursuing.

Though, it’s also important to remember that what you may see in photos isn’t always a reflection of what life will actually end up looking like, so it’s also important to be realistic about the photos you choose and find ones that will be an accurate representation of what your specific lifestyle you want will actually look like. 

Amazing Motivator

Once you see your dream life actually laid out in front of you, and you see what it’ll really look like, you’ll feel so much more motivated to go for your goals and make that dream life happen!

Studies show that visualizing is an extremely powerful tool for motivation, and the more clearly you’re able to see your dream reality, the more likely you’ll be to actually go and work for it. 

Related post: One Thing Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals

Fun and Creative Activity

Another great benefit to creating a vision board is that it’s a lot of fun to make! There’s so many types of supplies you can use and styles you can create, and you can create one for each individual area, or for your overall life in general!

You can choose a specific type of color pallet or aesthetic, include text, or not, and fill it up as much or as little as you want to. You can choose images from magazines, print out pictures, from online, or even do some doodling and drawing of your own or choose some fun stickers. The options are endless and the only correct choice is the one that works best for you. 

Vision Board Ideas

Some ideas for different areas of your life that you could create vision boards for include: 

  • Relationships

  • Career

  • Family

  • Home

  • Lifestyle

  • Hobbies

Some spots that you could make and keep these include a journal, on a piece of poster board and hung on your wall or door, or even make it digitally on Pinterest or in Canva. You can then choose to either print it out or keep it online as your desktop or mobile background, or put it in a folder you have easy access to. 

Below, I’ve compiled a list of 28 examples of vision board ideas, to give you a spark of inspiration and ideas to help you decide how you want your own vision board laid out:

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324392014 678134420669811 2854750510480498310 n
331116827 1468972530300186 9111093893147406863 n
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369704649 18255603796165309 1563738349672729560 n
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326863881 516354667267925 4736600004297859103 n
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324697259 843002413480931 1886285934907691506 n
324223545 496899705900739 1564739310826797696 n

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