6 Life-Changing Benefits of Bullet Journaling You Need to Know About

Bullet journaling is one of my favorite hobbies and pastimes. Though there are days I don’t always feel like sitting down and working on it, when I do, I find it a very relaxing and enjoyable experience. Also, there’s just something so rewarding about flipping through a fully finished notebook all decorated and filled out. 

I’ve been bullet journaling for a few years now, and I’ve noticed a lot of great benefits apart from the fun experience.

1. Great to Look Back At

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One thing I love about bullet journals is that you can look back at them years later to see all the awesome memories you’ve recorded. You can see what’s happened that year, as well the artwork that you’ve made and how your style’s changed over the years. 

You can also see your habits and goals that you’ve had in the past and monitored, and see whether or not you’ve met them or progressed over the years.

2. Gratitude

One of my favorite things about bullet journaling is all the things you can monitor and track. A great way to keep track of your mood is by creating a gratitude log. Write down what you are thankful for each day. On bad days, you can look back on your gratitude log and remember all the good things that have happened. This is another great way to record memories if you’re not journaling about each day already. 

3. Makes You More Organized

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Many people turn to planners for organizing their lives’ tasks and events, and bullet journals can be used the same way. You can keep track of recurring tasks, events, habits you want to get into, your period, daily water intake, sleep, mood, as well as lists for shopping, ideas for gifts to buy people, wish lists, passwords, expenses, money saved and earned. The list goes on and on for all the many things you can organize in a bullet journal. 

4. Great Place to Express Art and Keep Track of Artwork

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If you’re artistic, a bullet journal is a great place to mix in your artwork, paste in sketches, paintings, or just draw doodles in. You can even date them if you want to remember the day they were made on.

5. Bullet Journaling is Customizable to Your Needs

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Unlike many other organization systems, bullet journals are flexible and adaptable, able to be altered to fit your exact needs. You can make it as detailed or as simple as you’d like to. 

6. Inexpensive

In contrast to many of the expensive planners and digital organization systems, bullet journals are as expensive as you want them to be. You can spend a fortune on them getting tons of supplies. You don’t have to though. They can be super inexpensive inside a simple sketchbook or notebook using cheap pens and pencils. After all, it’s the system that matters truly.

I’m so glad to have come across bullet journaling, and I only wish I could’ve heard about it sooner. Nevertheless, it’s a great tool that I have been using for the past year and is always there when I need it.


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